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Cobots designed for mobile Solutions

The most compact collaborative robot on the market. All the power of our KR series, now with an integrated controller into cobot’s base

7 axis collaborative robot arm kr series kassow robots
for AGV & AMR
Run directly
with DC Power supply
external controller

We’ve created the most compact solution available on the market.

With Edge Edition, there’s no need for an external controller anymore. Our cobots fit in even more confined spaces and becomes mobile with the AGV & AMR mount.

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Still 7 axes, still 5 models, even more flexible.

The ideal solution for AGV & AMR applications.

Revolutionize your mobile solutions with Edge Edition! It seamlessly integrates into system, delivering efficiency and agility like never before

Direct DC connection and powered via battery
  • 42VDC to 58VDC Remote Power On / Off control - to control cobot from AGV or PLC.
Arm can run in automatic mode without Teach Pendant.
  • The arm can be configured to run in automatic mode without teachpendant once it's programmed.
Standard footprint 160x200mm
  • Standard footprints
    Each model has the same base.
Download the Brochure

the competition.


Reach new

Our 7-axes cobot offers a greater range of motion, increased payload capacity, and improved precision. It can access hard-to-reach areas with ease, handle heavier objects, and perform delicate tasks with greater accuracy, making it an ideal solution for a wide range of industrial tasks.

Enhanced precision
Increased reach
Improved payload capacity
Advanced safety features
cobot features

Safety is our priority.

Our cobots are equipped with sensors that detect overload, ensuring that they can operate safely in shared workspaces without the need for special safety measures. This expands the range of possible applications, including repetitive, dangerous, and dirty tasks, making our cobots an efficient and versatile solution for a variety of industrial applications. Risk assessment analysis has to be done before anything.


Intuitive user interface.

The key feature of our robots. The modern tablet-based interface is using all benefits of the powerful Android System to help user build their applications.

Split screen concept
Block based programming
Optimised for robot applications
Responsive and intuitive environment
Dynamic content support, native 3D engines
user interface kassow robot


Easy integration of various peripherals, grippers, vision systems or function extensions is backed by the modular infrastructure. Capability bundles (Cbuns) are our elementary building blocks available for specific solutions and application realisation.

Already available Cbuns for OnRobot, Robotiq, Pickit, Sick2d and more
Realtime capable
Access to robot APIs
CbunX framework for the UI dynamic content (new)
Custom Cbun development possibilities (SDK, documentation)
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Interested in our solution?

Contact our sales to get more information about our cobot series and request a personalised demo.


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Our technology in use.

Easy-to-integrate solutions for a wide range of applications and industries.